Dr. Noreen Simmons
Executive Director

Executive Director’s Message
This year was a unique one by any measure for BC Family Hearing Resource Society.
As we celebrate our accomplishments, we are humbled by the reality we live in today and our own limitations. This report provides snapshots of our progress over the last year. While we focus on our vision and continue to grow, we are committed to working together with diverse families, community service providers and colleagues.
Even with the challenges that COVID – 19 brought of restricted face-to-face delivery of intervention, activities and meetings, we continued to provide uninterrupted services for the majority of our clients. Online service delivery was not new to the Society as a large portion of our outreach clientele and communities were receiving some of their consistent services remotely prior to COVID- 19. In March, while many social and health service sectors sought options for safe and secure service delivery, within two weeks we were able to fully equip all our staff to work from home which helped us provide more than 2,495 remote sessions.
We continued to strengthen our donor support, build partnerships with our past families, and work together with community partners, particularly in the Yukon, to provide services to the growing number of families in Northern Canada. Our focus on conducting clinical based research has led to the completion of a pilot study on ‘parental influence of the use of Bone Anchored Hearing Device use for young children with microtia/atresia.’
BCFHRS remains dedicated to the mission of providing the optimal quality of services to all families. We are deeply grateful for our donors, corporations, the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Provincial Health Services Authority for their continued commitment and support for us to provide an exceptional experience to the children and families we serve. My sincere thanks to our Board members and staff for working together like a team like no other!
As we all accept and adapt to our new normal, I look forward to an even more exciting and purposeful year ahead.